FNC – The Hyperboreans
- Director(s)
- Cristóbal León
- Joaquín Cociña
- Country
- Chili
- Year
- 2024
- Duration
- 71 minutes
- Language
- Spanish
- German
- Subtitles
- English
- Format

Les nouveaux alchimistes
After the nightmarish animated film La Casa Lobo (FNC, 2018), this Chilean filmmaking duo is back with a UFO (Unidentified Filmic Object), mixing live action, stop motion animation and puppets. In a large studio with pasteboard sets, an actress and a psychologist plunge us into the world of Miguel Serrano, a Chilean poet and diplomat who helped give rise to Esoteric Hitlerism, a theory that posits the Führer did not commit suicide but took refuge in a secret base beneath Antarctica. Los Hiperboreos also adds Pinochet, mental illness and psychoanalysis to the mix for some wild formal hallucinations. A playful laboratory of experimentation.
- Director(s)
- Cristóbal León
- Joaquín Cociña
- Country
- Chili
- Year
- 2024
- Duration
- 71 minutes
- Language
- Spanish
- German
- Subtitles
- English
- Format