Festival Accès Asie – Siapo viliata o le atumotu and other embodied stories from the living world
- Director(s)
- Léuli Eshrāghii
- Country
- Canada (Québec)
- Year
- 2024
- Duration
- 35 minutes
- Language
- French
- English
- Format

Co-presented by Festival Accès Asie and Festival Filministes, in collaboration with MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels)
Screening + Q&A with Léuli Eshrāghi
Léuli Eshrāghi unveils their recent video works exploring Indigiqueer and embodied memory and joy, through their unique perspective as a Indigenous, Sāmoan, Persian, Cantonese, and European artist, poet, and curator. The artwork will then be discussed in a bilingual exchange with Nayla Naoufal.
Léuli Eshrāghi’s artistic, critical and curatorial practice prioritizes global Indigenous, Asian and Black visuality, sensual and spoken languages, and ceremonial-political practices. They are also the Curator of Indigenous Arts at the The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA).
Shorts films presented in this special screening :
- afiafi (2023, 5 min)
- TAFA (((O))) ATA (2020, 1 min)
- AOAULI (VILIATA) (2020/22, 4 min)
- re(cul)naissance (2020, 3 min)
- L’hétérosexualité samoane est une performance chrétienne pour le temps de la honte grégorien (2019, 6 min)
- SOGI MAI (2016, 1 min)
- tino manaia (2016, 2 min)
- Golden flow of the Merri yaluk (Joe Joe Orangias et Léuli Eshrāghi – 2015, 10 min)
- Director(s)
- Léuli Eshrāghii
- Country
- Canada (Québec)
- Year
- 2024
- Duration
- 35 minutes
- Language
- French
- English
- Format