Dehors Serge Dehors [LAST SCREENING]
- Director(s)
- Martin Fournier
- Pier-Luc Latulippe
- Country
- Canada (Québec)
- Year
- 2021
- Duration
- 67 minutes
- Language
- French
- English subtitles
- Format

Suffering from a deep depression, actor Serge Thériault has isolated himself for seven years. With sensitivity and respect, the filmmakers focus their camera on Thériault’s wife Anna, his daughter, and a neighbour couple. The friendship inspires touching, beneficial solidarity, as well as a coordinated and patient attempt to help the popular actor emerge from his isolation and embark on a sustainable healing process. Once again showing a talent for handling delicate subjects and finding rays of light in dark realities, Pier-Luc Latulippe and Martin Fournier have made a film of deep humanity and uncommon aesthetic power. – Text written for RIDM`
*National feature competition – Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) 2021
- Director(s)
- Martin Fournier
- Pier-Luc Latulippe
- Country
- Canada (Québec)
- Year
- 2021
- Duration
- 67 minutes
- Language
- French
- English subtitles
- Format